Crash with changed road properties (STDS)

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Crash with changed road properties (STDS)

#1 Post by Reinhard » 12 Aug 2013 11:30

I just had a crash to desktop. Scania Truck Driving Simulator version 1.5 (this is the last patch).

It happend with the big "free driving map" (/map/free_drive_02.mbd), immediately on entering that "mission". Which means the game is trying to spawn a truck at a random mission point, so I simply cannot know where on the map this error has happened:

Code: Select all

12:57:08 : file(0): ??A?$array_adapter_t@V?$vec_t@M$02@prism@@@prism@@QBEAAV?$vec_t@M$02@1@I@Z: Index outside array adapter boundaries.
There is only one mod involved, which will probably cause the crash: I revised the whole map by making all roads more "curvy" by applying "High poly road", "Superfine" and "Stretch terrain" to many, many roads. Can this be a problem?

I have driven such changed roads for hours now and had only one crash before (same message). The map mod contains nothing new, no definition file is changed, just these three road properties are touched.

Komat wrote on a similar issue:
"This is problem with collision of some road."
Can this be related to road segments drawn too short or too long? Or are there any limitations of those road properties?

BTW: this is a wonderful, beautiful map, I really like it. Just a too many edges. :D

Code: Select all

Crash log created on: Mon Aug 12 12:57:08 2013
Build: 1.5.0 41203
OS: x86 / Unknown x64 (version 6.2)
CPU:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz at 3403000
MEM: Phys:4095 Virt:4095
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 Mem:2048 Ver:
Fault address:  75A24B32 0001:00013B32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll

CS:EIP: 0023:75A24B32
SS:ESP: 002B:0018C700 EBP:0018C758
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
Flags: 00200246
EIP preamble: EC 58 A1 EC 5C AA 75 33 C4 89 44 24 54 8B 45 08
              8B 4D 14 83 64 24 08 00 89 04 24 8B 45 0C 83 E0
              01 89 44 24 04 C7 44 24 0C E9 4A A2 75 85 C9 75
              20 83 64 24 10 00 8D 04 24 50 FF 15 80 83 AA 75
EIP bytecode: 8B 4C 24 54 33 CC E8 07 72 FF FF 8B E5 5D C2 10
              00 8B 45 10 83 F8 0F 0F 87 37 BF 04 00 89 44 24
              10 C1 E0 02 50 51 8D 44 24 1C 50 E8 8A 76 FF FF
              83 C4 0C EB C1 90 90 90 90 90 8B FF 55 8B EC 51

Call stack:
Address   Frame
75A24B32  00000000  RaiseException+49
0070178F  00000000  0001:0030078F D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
00700EF0  00000000  0001:002FFEF0 D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
0069391E  00000000  0001:0029291E D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
0047E18E  00000000  0001:0007D18E D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
0066CBCA  00000000  0001:0026BBCA D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
0060D50F  00000000  0001:0020C50F D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe
0060CEA4  00000000  0001:0020BEA4 D:\Program Files (x86)\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe

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  C0 D3 80 16 C0 33 BE 0F 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00
  40 76 00 40 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B6 22 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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