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ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 01:37
by mwl4
as you probably know, SCS Tools for Blender was released long time ago, but still there was not possibility of editing models or prefabs that are stored in game formats.
That's why I wrote a tool some time ago, and today came time to release it. Open Source. It's weird felling, but perhaps for somebody it could be very useful to know how to read game formats.

Github repository:

There you can find source, but also binaries (windows x86 and linux). How you can use that?

That's pretty simple. Here is video that explains basics:

What does it support?
- pmg(0x13, 0x14)
- pmd(0x04)
- pma(0x03)
- ppd(0x15)
- tobj(magic = 1890650625)
- pmc
- mat


PS. I hope somebody from community will create user interface, I do not have time :)



Code: Select all

  -h                   - prints help text
  -m <model_path>      - turns into single model mode and specifies model path (relative to base)
  -t <tobj_path>       - turns into single tobj mode and specifies tobj path (relative to base)
  -d <dds_path>        - turns into single dds mode and prints debug info (absolute path)
  -b <base_path>       - specify base path
  -e <export_path>     - specify export path

  converter_pix -b C:\ets2_base -m /vehicle/truck/man_tgx/interior/anim s_wheel
    ^ will export into C:\ets2_base_exp single model with s_wheel animation.
    ^ instead of exact animation name you can use * to convert every anim file from model directory.
    ^ when anim name is not started by /, then converter is looking for it in model directory.

  converter_pix C:\ets2_base
    ^ will convert whole base, it will export it into: <base_path>_exp (C:\ets2_base_exp in this example).
    ^ you can also specify export path using the -e parameter.

  converter_pix -b C:\ets2_base -t /material/environment/vehicle_reflection.tobj
    ^ will convert tobj file and copy texture to export path.

  converter_pix -b C:\ets2_base -m /model/mover/characters/models/generic/m_afam_01 /model/mover/characters/animations/man/walk/walk_01
    ^ animations are located in another directory than the models. These animations can be used for multiple models.

 Note that animations will not be converted when converting the whole base.
 This is caused by lack of information, so you have to convert each model individually to edit animations.

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 04:03
by Smarty
This is fantastic! I look forward to trying it out this week. Thank you so much! :D

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 10:31
by IonutL
So first you need to extract base.scs with the SCS_extractor tool. And then put the resulting folder in the converterpix.

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 10:42
by mwl4
Yep, that's correct.

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 16:55
by 50keda
I am not sure, but maybe this topic should be moved to Blender Tools forum as it's about middle format and it's usability for BT ;)

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 17:42
by ohaha
Is this THE tool we're missing? :shock:

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 17:44
by SimulatorSam
*Gaaaaaaaasp* :o This is amazing! :D

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 18:33
by plykkegaard

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 18:43
by IvanGF14
Just what was missing. Thanks :shock: ;)

Re: ConverterPIX - Game formats to middle formats

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 19:21
by MandelSoft
Well, this sure makes Blender tools ten times more useful. Give the man a cookie ;)