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Translation or writing error with Tableware??

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 05:34
by Pers Kärpänen
There still (1.9.22) seems to be something wrong with the Cargo "pöytätarvikkeita" and since there already seems to be a cargo called "huonekaluja" referring as 'furniture' I believe there is something wrong with "pöytätarvikkeita" perhaps it's meant to be "Pöytätarpeita" as if 'chopped tables' and the cargo is on it's way to Ikea or some other cheap store... But since the "pöytätarvikkeita" is a word to word translation from' Table ware', I believe The original Cargo was referring to plates, mugs other sort of set of dishes rather than Tableware as a furniture. Maybe a better translation for this Cargo would be "Astioita" or "Astiastoja" which both extensively include mugs, plates silverware and most table ware in large or maybe it should be "kattaustarvikkeita" if referred only to candlesticks, decanters and other settings they use to frame a table for a setting. And for what it is worth, I don't think we have any "pöytätarvikkeita" in finnish language, if it's properly spoken and written.

So is it meant to be Table ware (=astioita) or ware for a table (=pöytätarpeita)?

Re: Translation or writing error with Tableware??

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 14:53
by n4gix
Translations are sometimes amusing...
Maybe it should have been: pöytäkalusto?

At least your load wasn't "Pig Carcasses" (teurastetun sian)?

Re: Translation or writing error with Tableware??

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 08:14
by seekil
Thank you for the correction suggestion. Since the original English version (still) is Tableware and its translation to Finnish is as suggested either "astioita" or "astiastoja" we will use the "astiastoja" to give the proper feeling of delivering in large quantities "something moderately expensive/cheap that extensively include anything a household would ever need".

The translation has now been added and should appear with the next large patch for the game.