Minor forum changes

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Posts: 34
Joined: 06 Dec 2012 23:24
Location: Lublin, Poland

Minor forum changes

#1 Post by Grisp » 18 Dec 2021 14:18

Dear users,

We would like to announce to you some minor changes which today become effective on our forum.
1. Reordering and name adjustments of sub forums on the main page, to make the most popular forum parts accessible quicker.
2. Creating "Offtopic and other voices" as a standalone subforum instead of 2 subforums in ATS and ETS2 sections - content would be moved.
3. Disabling posts counts for "Offtopic and other voices" and "Graveyard" (not visible for you, but existing) forum - Yes, it may decrease the number of posts on your counter.
4. Deleting threads older than 6 months from "Graveyard" section
If you want to contact me, please send me an email. You can find it in my profile.

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