by The Dude » 20 Jan 2025 06:22
So, I've been away for a little over two weeks on a holiday vacation to California and when I left we had just got the 1.53 update (s) for both games and I was glad to see the improvements all in all, but since I got back I've been having a issue that I haven't seen anyone post about. I can't for the life of me get cruise control to work in either game and what I mean is I can't get it to stay activated, I even tried to assign cruise control to several different keys on my keyboard instead of my "NOS" G27 and I even tried to change around the activation on it to no avail. I have tested this in both ATS and ETS2 with the same results, I can't get cruise control to stay activated no matter what key I assign it to. I know SCS has added a bunch of cruise control options to the game and there were issues with it, has anyone had similar issues since the release of 1.53, I didn't have these issues in the "Beta's" at all before I left for California, but I do now.
"Gamers Are Not Beta Testers"