Cruising Greece ended, but I'd like to participate more/extend

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Cruising Greece ended, but I'd like to participate more/extend

#1 Post by Dracconite » 03 Feb 2025 17:26

Unfortunately it happened I could get to try cruising Greece event for only a few days due to various reasons.

I was in middle of doing the task while it happened to me I got a contract from Patra to Argostoli and it had 197 km distance, but the real distance I traveled was longer, and I did not take any detour
the field roads towards the mine weren't calculated in the distance/road item was missing/there was just terrain. And also because that I couldnt finish this event.

I'd like to still somehow participate, as I enjoyed the Christmas event just did not have enough time for Cruising Greece. It is an unfortunate situation.

In the picture I show how I enjoy the wonderful scenery but could not finish all the event.

Edit: tried to add attachments but there was HTTP error so the pictures were not sent.
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Re: Cruising Greece ended, but I'd like to participate more/extend

#2 Post by Madkine » 03 Feb 2025 20:23

WOT jobs only count the distance as initially shown to you and 197 km is less than the event listed (200km). The reason you couldn't finish the event is that you chose a job that was too short.

HTTP error means the file was too large, attachments need to be less than 1.1MB.
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