[ external image ][ external image ]
*Click the images for full resolution. More images available on the Steam Workshop page.
What is included:
- 29 different Eaton Fuller real life transmission models
- Linehaul
- Eaton RTOC-18909A 9-speed 14.38
- Eaton FAM(F)-15810B 10-speed 15.42
- Eaton FAOM(F)-16810C 10-speed 17.53
- Eaton FR-15210B 10-speed 14.80
- Eaton FRO-16210C 10-speed 17.15
- Eaton FRO-18210C 10-speed 17.49
- Eaton Integrated 10-speed DD 15.42
- Eaton Integrated 10-speed OD 17.70
- Eaton UltraShift LAS10B 10-speed 15.42
- Eaton EE-17F111B 11-speed 14.43
- Eaton EEO-18F112C 12-speed 18.85
- Performance
- Eaton RTLO-18913A 13-speed 16.86
- Eaton RTLO-20913A 13-speed 16.86
- Eaton UltraShift MHP 13-speed 16.84
- Eaton UltraShift LSE 16-speed 14.40
- Eaton EXD-18F118D 18-speed 20.46
- Eaton EXDP-20F118D 18-speed 20.46
- Eaton RTLO-16918B 18-speed 19.72
- Eaton RTLO-22918B 18-speed 19.72
- Eaton UltraShift MXP18A 18-speed 16.70
- Eaton UltraShift MXP18B 18-speed 19.73
- Vocational
- Eaton RT-8908LL 10-speed 19.58
- Eaton RTO-16908LL 10-speed 19.68
- Eaton UltraShift VAS 10-speed 17.53
- Eaton UltraShift VCS 10-speed 19.68
- Eaton RTO-16909ALL 11-speed 35.71
- Eaton UltraShift VMS 11-speed 35.73
- Eaton RT-14915 15-speed 16.94
- Eaton RTO-16915 15-speed 16.94
- Linehaul
- each transmissions is available with and without retarder
- each transmission has 30 different differential ratios available
- Default
- Freightliner Cascadia 2019
- Freightliner Cascadia 2024
- International 9900i
- International LoneStar
- International LT
- Kenworth T680
- Kenworth T680 2022
- Kenworth W900
- Mack Anthem
- Mack Pinnacle
- Peterbilt 389
- Peterbilt 579
- Volvo VNL
- Western Star 49X
- Western Star 5700XE
- Western Star 57X
- Mod
- Freightliner Argosy by Lucasi
- Freightliner Cascadia 2018 by galimim & Felipe Conbar
- Freightliner Cascadia 2018 fix by galimim & Felipe Conbar
- Freightliner Coronado by dmitry68
- Freightliner FLB (by Harven)
- Freightliner FLC by XBS
- Freightliner FLD 2.1 by odd_fellow, Harven, Lucasi & Pauly
- International HX520 2022 by Harven
- Freightliner International LT by galimim & Felipe Conbar
- International 9800 by Odd_fellow, Harven, Lucasi & Pauly
- International 9900i×9300 by overfloater
- Kenworth K100E by overfloater
- Kenworth K100E SFFA by overfloater
- Kenworth T610 by GTM
- Kenworth T800 by GTM
- Kenworth T800 2016 by GT-Mike
- Kenworth W900 Long by richt05tv
- Kenworth W900A by various authors
- Kenworth W900B by GTM
- Kenworth W990 by Harven
- Mack R Series by Harven
- Mack Superliner by DielingWu
- Peterbilt 352/362 by GeoffG
- Peterbilt 389 by Rezbilt
- Peterbilt 389 by Viper2
- Peterbilt 567 by GTM
- Peterbilt Project3xx by AMT
- Western Star 4900EX by Outlaw Transport
- Western Star 4900FA by sib3rius et al.
- Volvo VNL 2018 by galimim
- Volvo VNL 670 by aradeth
- Volvo VNL 780 by FrankBrasil
- Volvo VNR by galimim
Custom Shifter Layouts:
Custom shifter layouts (diagrams below) can be downloaded here.
[ external image ]
Compatible with American Truck Simulator v1.50.x and higher.
Code: Select all
Added support for Freightliner Cascadia 2024
Added support for Mack Pinnacle
Mod archive format changed to HashFS version 2 (.scs)
Added support for Kenworth T680 2022
Changed unit names of all transmissions to avoid conflicts with other mods
Added support for Western Star 5700XE
Added support for International 9900i×9300 by overfloater
Made the mod optional in Convoy multiplayer
Added support for Western Star 57X
Added Eaton Cummins Endurant XD 18-speed
Added Eaton Cummins Endurant XD Pro 18-speed
Added 10 additional differential ratio options for each transmission (2.15, 2.26, 2.28, 2.39, 2.47, 2.53, 2.79, 2.93, 3.23 & 3.42)
Added support for Freightliner Cascadia 2019
Added support for International 9900i
Added support for International LT
Added support for International HX520 2022 by Harven
Added support for Mack Superliner by DielingWu
Added support for Peterbilt 352/362 by GeoffG
Added support for Peterbilt 389 by Rezbilt
Added support for Western Star 4900EX by Outlaw Transport
Removed support for Freightliner Classic XL by Jon Ruda
Removed support for Freightliner Classic XL by Solaris36
Removed support for Kenworth Phantom by AMT
Removed support for Kenworth T800 (Modular Wrecker) by Team Edition Mods
Removed support for Kenworth W900 by Jon Ruda
Removed support for Peterbilt 362 by Jon Ruda
Removed support for Peterbilt 389 by Jon Ruda
Mod split into two archives due to a number of files limit
Added transmission sounds (SCS default)
Added support for Freightliner FLC by XBS
Added support for Mack R Series by Harven
Added support for Peterbilt Project3xx by AMT
Added support for Volvo VNR by galimim
Added support for Western Star 49X
Rework of mod file structure, reduced redundancy
Added Eaton Cummins Endurant 12-speed
Added Eaton Cummins Endurant 11-speed
Corrected automatic transmission mode name for all transmissions (D instead of A)
Adjusted shift times of all automated transmissions
Changed Eaton FAOM(F)-15810B 10-speed to Eaton FAM(F)-15810B 10-speed (use g_remove_missing_accessories if transmission missing)
Changed Eaton FRO-15210B 10-speed to Eaton FR-15210B 10-speed (use g_remove_missing_accessories if transmission missing)
Changed Eaton UltraShift (PLUS) VXP 18-speed to Eaton UltraShift (PLUS) MXP 18B 18-speed (use g_remove_missing_accessories if transmission missing)
Added support for International LoneStar
Added support for Mack Anthem
Added support for Volvo VNL
Added support for Freightliner Cascadia 2018 by galimim & Felipe Conbar
Added support for Freightliner Cascadia 2018 fix by galimim & Felipe Conbar
Added support for Freightliner Coronado by dmitry68
Added support for Freightliner FLD 2.1 by odd_fellow, Harven, Lucasi & Pauly
Added support for Freightliner International LT by galimim & Felipe Conbar
Added support for International 9800 by Odd_fellow, Harven, Lucasi & Pauly
Added support for Kenworth K100E by overfloater
Added support for Kenworth K100E SFFA by overfloater
Added support for Kenworth T610 by GTM
Added support for Kenworth T800 by GTM
Added support for Kenworth W900 Long by richt05tv
Added support for Kenworth W900A by various authors
Added support for Kenworth W900B by GTM
Added support for Kenworth W990 by Harven
Added support for Peterbilt 567 by GTM
Added support for Western Star 4900FA by sib3rius et al.
Unified available differential ratios across all transmissions and added new ones (20 for each transmission)
Complete rework of mod file structure
Added support for Freightliner FLB (by Harven)
Added support for Freightliner Argosy by Lucasi
Added support for Volvo VNL 780 by FrankBrasil
Renamed the first two gears on all 18-speed UltraShift transmissions
Renamed the gears on all RTLO-series 13-speed transmissions
Added crawler gears (UI)
Added Eaton Integrated Powertrain 10-speed Direct Drive
Added Eaton Integrated Powertrain 10-speed Small-Step Overdrive
Updated UI icons
Changed the naming convention of the transmission names displayed in the Truck Configurator (Overall ratio is now displayed at the end of the name instead of differential ratio)
Added support for Kenworth Phantom by AMT
Added 4.11 differential ratio for all the 18-speed transmissions
Added 3.36 differential ratio for all the 13-speed and 18-speed transmissions
Renamed gears on all UltraShift transmissions
Updated UI icons
Added support for Kenworth T800 2016 by GT-Mike
Added 3.90 differential ratio for all the 18-speed transmissions
Added support for Freightliner Classic XL by Solaris36
Added 4.11 differential ratio for the Eaton UltraShift VXP 18-speed transmissions
Added 76 new UltraShift PLUS automatic transmissions
Added 96 new transmissions
added more differential ratios. Visible on the name of a transmission.
added custom made UI icons for each transmission. The overall ratio of a transmission is now visible on the icon instead of the name of the transmission.
changed the internal names of every transmission (see [Update Notice section)
support for Peterbilt 389 by Viper2
support for Volvo VNL by aradeth
LoaderSaints (Author)
rookie_one (Eaton Integrated Powertrain)
Eaton Corporation Plc (Transmission specifications)
Mbman212 (Testing & help)
KubaJAM (Testing)
Update notice:
Before updating to v2.X from v1.0 swap any transmissions included in this mod to vanilla ones in order to avoid errors in your game.log!
DOWNLOAD - Google Drive
DOWNLOAD - Steam Workshop
Addons & legacy versions (Google Drive folder)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 version available here:
Real Eaton Fuller Transmissions for ETS2
Please inform me of any errors caused by this mod or weird behaviour of a transmission included!
This includes uploading any parts of the mod to a file hosting service, uploading of edited material to a file hosting service and posting it on mod forums.
You may however edit the mod for personal use and for personal use only!
If you want to include the mod or parts of it in your mod then ask the author(s) for a permission before doing so and remember to give credit!